What is a university pathway programme?

University Pathway Programmes are designed to help international and EU students improve their language skills, so they are fully prepared to study at a UK university.
University Pathways are ideal for international students who want to study a degree in the UK but do not have the academic or English qualifications for direct entry. These courses allow students to get up to speed with their peers and foster a solid foundation to begin their studies.

Most pathways can be completed in less than a year and provide guaranteed progression to a degree of their choice, upon successful completion. After completing their pathway course, students can progress to one of The Language Gallery’s 18 university partners degrees. There are several types of university pathway courses available, catering for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Types of university pathway courses

Depending on the students’ current level of English and the level of degree they aim to proceed with, there are several different types of university pathway programmes to choose from.

1. International Foundation Programmes

The International Foundation Programmes provide the perfect introduction for international students before embarking on an undergraduate degree. This pathway course is designed to improve students’ English language and study skills. The course will also allow course attendees to develop the subject-specific academic skills required for university entrance.

Those who decide to carry out a pathway programme, get the chance to pick from three options: business, health science, and engineering. Upon completion of a Foundation Programme, students will be confident they are ready to move forward and achieve success with their chosen university degree course.

2. Pre-Sessional Pathway Programmes

This course is designed for international students looking to improve their English language level and progress towards a bachelor's or master's degree. Successful completion allows students to proceed to any of these universities with no IELTS needed. The course fully prepares students with the English language and study skills required by our UK university partners for their degree programmes.

3. Pre-Master’s Programmes

The Pre-master’s programme is a great option for international students as it allows them to develop their English skills and get prepared to begin a master’s degree at a UK university. Students can gain the skills required to succeed academically, linguistically, and socio-culturally in the UK.
The main goal of the programme is to bridge the gap between their existing qualifications and a UK master's qualification. Students may choose a longer Pre-Master’s of 30 weeks, with an English level of IELTS 4.5 or a fast track 15-week course with an English level of IELTS 5.5. Successful completion guarantees you a place on one of our university partners programmes.

How does a pathway course work?

The aim of the pathway course is to prepare international students for university life in the UK. Those considering the programmes should choose the pathway programme that aligns with their course of choice. They can then improve their English skills to ensure they are at the correct level to begin the chosen course.

Benefits of pathway programmes

Along with improving English skills and providing a solid foundation for studying in the UK, some of the benefits of carrying out a pathway programme include:

  • Develop study skills and learning strategies required for university life
  • Develop functional skills needed for both inside and outside the classroom
  • Settle into an academic environment before starting your studies
  • Meet the English language requirements for your chosen degree programme
  • Network and make new friends

If you are looking to study at a UK university but feel like you need to improve your English language skills, then carrying out a university pathway course may be the right option for you. Find out more about The Language Gallery’s pathway courses here.

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