Top 5 countries for studying English

There are lots of countries where you can study English, but some places are better than others – particularly if you choose to study where you’ll be surrounded by native speakers.

Here are some of the best countries to study English in; choose wisely!

The UK

The most obvious choice is to study in the UK, where the English language originated. It has one of the longest traditions of teaching English (both at home and abroad), as well as the biggest range of English language courses in the world.

By being in the birthplace of the English language, you can also learn a lot about the history of the country and where common words and phrases come from.


Studying in Canada is becoming more and more popular for international students, particularly in some of its more cosmopolitan cities like Toronto and Vancouver. The fees are less expensive than some other countries, and the application process is not as complicated.

The country is also well-known for having high academic standards and quality control, so you'll know that you're learning the right things.


The English spoken in Ireland is very similar to British English - though you may have to be careful with the accents! The country is known to be a very friendly place, so you'll quickly find lots of people who’ll be happy to help you practise your English.

Plus, it's not far from the UK - so if you want to visit the birthplace of the language, you just need to hop over the Irish Sea with a ferry or plane.

United States of America

Wherever you choose to go in the USA, you'll get a unique experience: each state can be as different from the next as completely separate countries. English is a native language here, but is often used in a very casual way - so you'll quickly get used to a conversational style.

The USA also has a lot of famous places to go and beautiful scenery to see, so you'll never be lost for something to do.


Australia has a highly regarded programme for English learning called ELICOS, which stands for 'English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students', which was developed in collaboration with Cambridge English Language Assessment. This means you'll be getting a good quality English language course if you choose Australia.

Like the other countries on this list, you'll find plenty of native English speakers to help you - but you'll find that the weather is a lot nicer than elsewhere!


Ready to start learning English? Pick one of our language schools and start learning today.


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